Archdiocesan District of Perth
Message From His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyaneon – Archiepiscopal Vicar of Perth
Christ is Risen – Truly He is Risen
Dear Brothers and Sisters
After liaising with His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia regarding the WA Government easing of restrictions concerning COVID-19, various actions were decided upon by all WA clergy at our recent Synaxis (meeting) on Tuesday 12 May 2020.
All clergy were informed that the new WA regulations now allows up to a maximum of 20 parishioners (excluding the clergy and assistants) to attend the services at any one time, starting from Monday 18 May. All present were informed, on behalf of His Eminence, the crucial importance of following the WA state regulations as the overall wellness of our parishioners is our paramount concern.
In addition, please note that according to the new Government regulations up to 20 attendees are permitted at baptism and wedding church services. Also up to 20 attendees can attend a church funeral service, not including the person/s necessary to conduct the service.
Since communal worship has been modified according to the Government COVID-19 guidelines each parish priest will be emailing you their parish roster programme for forthcoming services. Everyone is reminded that:
- The faithful are to directly liaise with their parish priest if they wish to be placed on the roster programme. The priest is in control of the roster.
- No one can attend any service without having pre-arranged it with the parish priest
- The Social Distancing Rule in the church of 4sqm of floor space per person must be adhered to
- There will be an extra service in all parishes on Friday 5 June in the evening for the Saturday of Souls
- All churches/monastery will open for the feast day of Saints Constantine and Helene on May 21
His Eminence thanks all parishioners for having fully shown great understanding over the last two months regarding the closure of the churches. While the last two months have been difficult, we feel blessed that, through God’s grace, our clergy have found creative ways to minister to the needs of our people through Facebook, Zoom Meetings, emails and live-stream services.
We ask for everyone’s continued patience and cooperation concerning COVID-19. The faithful are also asked to pray daily for our brethren all over the world who are sick or who have fallen asleep in the Lord as a result of the widespread of the virus. In addition please continue praying for the first responders who are working hard to overcome this virus including the Scientists, Doctors, and Nurses.
Yours in the Risen Lord
Bishop Elpidios of Kyaneon – Archiepiscopal Vicar of Perth
Thursday 14 May, 2020