Author: Admin

Orthodoxy in Youth and Old Age
There is a prayer for all of life written by David, the greatest of Israel’s Kings (c.1000 BC). The prayer is Psalm 25 where David repents before the Lord for [...]
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Anonymity – Serving without Christ
As I made my way out of the Archdiocese office in Perth at around 2.00pm on a Friday afternoon some years ago and I stepped on to the front verandah [...]
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The Kiss
The Kiss of a Young Child Following the service of the Divine Liturgy one Sunday while I was preparing for a Baptism I was approached by a little girl who [...]
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Out of the World
Do Not Love the World Why is it increasingly difficult for those who follow Christ to be understood by the world? Clearly the living are all in the world; but [...]
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Speak Sparingly and Glorify God
The real celebration of life is to glorify God. If the heart has no inclination for this, then this is the epitome of ungratefulness. There are those with few possessions [...]
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The Enemy
“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you” (Luke 6:27) Christ was crucified along with two thieves. One of the two thieves scoffed at Him asking, “Are you [...]
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How Do I Prepare for Holy Communion?
Years ago when I was a young boy I was bewildered by the strange school environment that I found myself in. There could not have been a greater contrasting difference [...]
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Why Should You Go to Confession
A pragmatic view: Confession will help you with everything you have to face in life, past, present and future. Do you find this hard to believe? Confession opens your heart [...]
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The Meaning of Death, the Meaning of New Life and the Orthodox Funeral Service
The Orthodox view of death refers to Christ's victory over death on the Cross and the new life granted to us through His Resurrection. Death is seen as an unnatural [...]
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Prayer is Our Life
One of the most difficult things to do is to pray well. Prayer is like a spiritual barometer of our inner state of health. Even those who are well practised [...]
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