Palm Cross Making – Saturday of Lazarus – Apr 27
Save the date! Palm Sunday is fast approaching and we'll need your help at our annual communal Palm Cross Making event. It will be held on the Saturday of Lazarus [...]
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Palm Cross Making Photos
Today, on the Saturday of Lazarus, we had our yearly palm cross making day in preparation for Palm Sunday. This was quite a blessing as we only recently found out [...]
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Palm Cross Making – Apr 16
Every year on the Saturday of Lazarus, we come together as a parish and make palm crosses. These are then blessed and distributed to the people on Palm Sunday. We'll [...]
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Palm Cross Making – April 24
We need your help to make 650 palm crosses. On Saturday 24th April, after the service at approx 10.30am, we will be gathering under the veranda at our parish to [...]
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Palm Cross Making
It was amazing to see so many helpers this morning! Even after we smashed through our target, our workers refused to stop, instead moving over to weaving donkeys. A big [...]
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Save the Date – Palm Cross Making – April 20
The time is again upon us! Every year, on the Saturday of Lazarus, we gather together to make these beautiful palm crosses, which are then given out to the people [...]
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