• on August 28, 2020

What’s New (28/08/2020)

Upcoming Events

  • Sat Aug 29
    • 8:00AM, Beheading of the Holy and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John – English Liturgy
    • 4:00PM, Vespers
  • Sun Aug 30
    • 8:00AM, 12th Sunday of Matthew – Divine Liturgy
  • Mon Aug 31
    • 7:30AM, The Placing of the Honorable Sash of the Most Holy Theotokos – Divine Liturgy
  • Tue Sep 01
    • 7:30AM, Ecclesiastical New Year – Divine Liturgy
  • Sat Sep 05
    • 8:00AM, Holy Prophet Zacharias, Father of the Venerable Forerunner – English Liturgy
    • 4:00PM, Vespers

Sunday Epistle & Gospel Explanations
12th Sunday of Matthew (30/08/2020)

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Gospel: Matthew 19:16-26

Click here to download this week’s readings and explanations.

Change of Contact Details for His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyaneon

We have been advised of change in contact details for His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyaneon.
Please find as follows.

His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyaneon
Archiepiscopal Vicar – Archdiocesan District of Perth
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
P.O. Box 208
Mirrabooka, WA 6941
Email: bishop.elpidios@greekorthodox.org.au
Office: (08) 6146 2585
(M): 0407 260 071

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