Author: Admin

Parish Bookstore – Taking a Break
Under the current situation of the ongoing COVID-19 virus, we wish to advise that the Evangelismos Bookstore will continue to operate but through online presence and mail out. If you [...]
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The First Divine Liturgy Presided by His Grace at Our Parish
Today we were blessed to have His Grace Bishop Elpidios at our humble Parish for the Divine Liturgy. Joining him was also the newly ordained Deacon John and Deaconess Anna. [...]
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Catechetical Homily of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the Beginning of Holy and Great Lent, 2020
We offer hymns of thanks to the God of love as once again we enter Holy and Great Lent, the arena of ascetic struggle, fasting and abstinence, of vigilance and [...]
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2020 Lent Program Now Available
The 2020 Lenten Program is now available. Download your copy today.
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Vespers of Forgiveness 2020
The faithful of all the Parishes and the Monastery of St John of the Mountain are invited to a combined Vesper Service for Forgiveness to be held at the Church [...]
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Ordination of John Sullivan to Deacon
The ordination of John Sullivan (from Bunbury) as a Deacon occurred yesterday, presided by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios. It was an extra special day, not only because it was his [...]
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Enthronement of Fr Thalassios to Abbot of the Holy Monastery of St John
Soon after the Youth Conference concluded, everyone started gathering into the Chapel for the evening Vespers. Archbishop Makarios was in attendance along with their Graces Bishop Aimilianos of Meloa and [...]
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2020 Youth and Young Adult Conference (Perth)
A new initiative of Archbishop Makarios, since being enthroned, has been the annual Youth & Young Adult Conferences starting this year. These have been held in each state with Archbishop [...]
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His Eminence Arrives in Perth
Last night, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios touched down in Perth for his third pastoral visit to our humble state. With him were also their Graces Bishop Aimilianos of Meloa and [...]
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New Acquisitions
We'd like to announce that a shipment of new items has just arrived in our bookstore. Check out some of the items below!
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