Author: Admin

Christmas Encyclical 2018
Brother concelebrants and children in the Lord, "Christ is born, glorify Him!" Thus we chant for centuries every year in our churches. But it does not yet seem that we [...]
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Summer BBQ Fundraiser – Photos
What a great day we had on Sunday! Wonderful weather, delicious food, and great company :) Thank you to everyone who helped make the day the success that it was. [...]
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Evangelismos 60th Anniversary Paniyiri – Photos
Last Sunday we had our 60th anniversary Paniyiri, celebrating 60 years since the first Divine Liturgy at our Church. It was a huge success and we'd like to thank everyone [...]
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Beyond All Ages, Times and Places
In this disposable age there is an obsession for labelling everything 'new.' The word 'new' has become synonymous with the words 'different', 'better' and 'improved.' But the meaning given to [...]
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The Dog Is Better Than I
Whilst debating the issue of relationships a young woman who was arguing in favour of multiple relationships in place of monogamous relationships stated "We have ascended from the Apes not [...]
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Inquiring and Acquiring Knowledge
People often ask, what will I do with my life? It is good to ask this question; But the answer always lies with us, for if we desire a meaningful [...]
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Spring BBQ – A Huge Success
It was a beautifully sunny spring day for our first ever BBQ, as people from different cultural backgrounds came together to raise funds for the missions in Bali and Sierra [...]
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Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos – Vespers
Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate the feast day of the Domition of the Theotokos with us. Photos from the Vesper service can be found below.
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Evangelismos Greek School Quiz Night – Photos
On Friday, July 20, we had the Evangelismos Greek School Quiz Night at the Hellenic Club of WA. The evening can be classified as nothing but a success. There was [...]
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What Is Truth
True justice cannot be achieved through words. Injustice comes from the failure of man to come to the knowledge of the truth, and then by faith to live by it. [...]
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