Here are the latest childrens books to land in our bookstore.
Be sure to come down and have a look at our huge collection!
Elder Cleopa Stories for Children Vol 3
By Elder Cleopa, Translated by Diana Suvak
“Volume 3: This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics. From the third volume, children can find out about the life of St. Eustathius Placidas, as well as the story of the seven sleepers of Ephesus.”
Elder Cleopa Stories for Children Vol 4
By Elder Cleopa, Translated by Diana Suvak
“Volume 4: This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics. The fourth volume presents stories about the power of prayer, the speedy help of the Theotokos, the importance of commemorating the departed, and the miracles worked by Saints Spyridon and Nicholas.”