• on September 29, 2023

Nineteen Years of CGL Success!

2023 marks the 19th year that the Centre for the Greek Language (CGL) examinations have been offered to students and adults in the Greek and wider community of Western Australia. St Andrew’s Grammar was established as the CGL Examination Centre in late 2004, with the first examinations being offered in 2005 and annually thereafter to the present day. As the foundation Director of the CGL at St Andrew’s Grammar, I am proud to announce this year’s successful candidates.

Level A1 (8-12 years of age)

Level A1 (adolescents & adults)

Level A2
KERR Loukas
LIMNIOS Dimitrios
REISI Sofia-Eleni

Level B1

Level B2
LIMNIOS Athanasios

Level C2
PAILA Kalliopi

The grades of the successful candidates were “Excellent” (8 candidates), “Very Good” (7 candidates), and “Good” (1 candidate). We enjoyed an overall success rate of 89%. Congratulations are extended to all the candidates, their families, schools, and their Modern Greek language teachers.

On 11 September of this year, I had the good fortune to be in Greece and, as I have done in all previous trips to Greece, I visited the Centre for the Greek Language in Thessaloniki, where I met with Mr Panagiotis Dagkopoulos from the Division for the Support and Promotion of the Greek Language. After an important professional discussion but also an enjoyable convivial chat, Mr Dagkopoulos presented me with the Certificate of Attainment in Greek for each of our successful candidates. These will be presented to the candidates soon at a formal event at their respective schools or via post.

Being presented with the ‘Certificate of Attainment in Greek’ for each successful candidate by Mr Panagiotis Dagkopoulos at the Centre for the Greek Language, Thessaloniki, Greece on 11/9/2023

I extend personal thanks to my fellow co-invigilators of this year’s examinations, Mrs Katerina Reklitis and Ms Maria Svarnou, both of whom assisted me in the smooth execution of the examinations over the four days in May. Gratitude is also extended to the Principal, Mr Craig Monaghan, and the staff of St Andrew’s Grammar for accommodating the CGL examinations, including the room changes necessary for regular classes.

Next year’s CGL examinations are scheduled to take place on the following days:

Level A1 (8-12 years of age) Tuesday 14 May 2024
Level A1 (adolescents & adults) Tuesday 14 May 2024
Level A2 Tuesday 14 May 2024
Level B2 Wednesday 15 May 2024
Level C1 Wednesday 15 May 2024
Level B1 Thursday 16 May 2024
Level C2 Thursday 16 May 2024

Registrations will open on 1 February 2024 and will close on 20 March 2024. More information will be imparted closer to the opening date of registration.

Dr Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis
Director of the CGL at St. Andrew’s Grammar (61002)
27 September 2023

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