• on November 26, 2023

WAMGLTA Speak Greek in June Event 2023

Every year, the West Australian Modern Greek Language Teachers’ Association Inc. (WAMGLTA) offers students of the Modern Greek language and culture the opportunity to speak in Greek on a given topic through the WAMGLTA Speak Greek in June (SGJ) Event.

This year, the topic was “Respect for people, property, and place – what does this mean to you?”. Students were invited to speak for up to 3 minutes whilst being filmed. They could do this alone, in pairs, or in small groups of no more than 4 participants.

The purpose of the WAMGLTA SGJ Event is to encourage students to speak freely in the Greek language, and without inhibitions and the fear or making mistakes, whilst simultaneously enjoying the process. The video recordings are then viewed by the Executive Committee members, who decide on the prizes to be given to all the participants as it is no longer a competition.

In 2023, the participating students were from 3 educational providers:

St. Andrew’s Grammar (16 participants)

Presentation of certificates and prizes to SAG students on 31 October 2023

The Greek Language and Culture Institute of Evangelismos (15 participants)

Presentation of certificates and prizes to GLCI students on 28 October 2023

Immaculate Heart College (5 participants)

Presentation of certificates and prizes to IHC students on 14 November 2023

I had the pleasure of presenting a Certificate of Participation in a display folder, a $15 Officeworks gift voucher, and some sweet treats to each of the 36 participants. These prizes were made possible by our generous sponsors: Dr Con Berbatis and family, the P&F of the GLCI of Evangelismos, and Ms Maria Svarnou.

Congratulations are extended to the students, their Greek language teachers, their schools, and their families for the clarity and meaningful messages they imparted in the Greek language through their video presentations!

WAMGLTA looks forward to ongoing growth in numbers in this annual event!

Dr Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis
WAMGLTA Chairperson
20 November 2023

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