• on June 7, 2024

What’s New (07/06/2024)

Upcoming Events

  • Sat Jun 08
    • 8:00AM, Removal of the Relics of Theodore the Commander – English Liturgy
    • 4:00PM, Vespers
  • Sun Jun 09
    • 8:00AM, Sunday of the Blind Man – Divine Liturgy
  • Wed Jun 12
    • 7:30AM, Apodosis of Pascha – Divine Liturgy
  • Thu Jun 13
    • 7:30AM, Holy Ascension – Divine Liturgy
  • Sat Jun 15
    • 8:00AM, Amos the Prophet – English Liturgy
    • 4:00PM, Vespers

Sunday Epistle & Gospel Readings
Sunday of the Blind Man (09/06/2024)

Epistle: Acts 16:16-34

Gospel: John 9:1-38

Bible Study Podcast

Fr Emmanuel’s Thursday night Bible Study classes are now available on Podcast.
They can be accessed from the following link.

Annual General Meeting – Jun 9

This Sunday, immediately after the service, will be the Greek Orthodox Community of WA Annual General Meeting.

The meeting will be held in the hall – only financially active members are able to attend.

Further details can be found in the previously provided member communications.

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