Author: Admin

Explosion – Implosion
I remember in the early nineteen seventies whilst studying sociology at university there were new theories warning about over-population in the world. Dr David Suzuki was one of these theorists [...]
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The Spiritual Progression of Man to God
An Orthodox Christian Spiritual Grid -THEOSIS- (The Union of Man with God) The Old Creation (Fallen Man – Adam and Eve) The New Creation (The God-Man CHRIST) Attributes of The [...]
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Faith Without Grace
The Life of Grace I recently asked myself the question. Is it possible to have faith without grace? I did not search for any answer at the time. A few [...]
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I AM – For You – You are from ME
I Am immortal but chose to die on the Cross for you I Am the giver of all Life Death is the permanent separation of you from Me I came [...]
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The Meaning of Christmas
When I think of Christmas I think of hope. “For with God, all things are possible.” (Mark 10:27) …Yet the Creator chose to enter the world in humility without a [...]
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In God Only
We look as we watch as all things go by We stare as we gaze into the empty space outside We see what is around us, behind our backs, and [...]
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New Generation in Orthodoxy
We know the words and tunes of many songs but not of any hymns. We read books and magazines on all subjects, even study for many long years; but afford [...]
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Different Interests
We often hear about people having different interests. Sometimes different interests work well between people to complement each other’s weaknesses and other times causing major problems by allowing people to [...]
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The Long Line
Contemplation for the Lenten Period: I clearly remember the service of the Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great held on the Saturday morning of Holy Week last year. There [...]
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Witness and Revelation
The word martyr is often used by people today in a rather loose fashion and conjures up images of a person who has gone to extreme lengths for some ideal [...]
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