Category: Service

Holy Friday Morning Photos
Photos from this morning's service of the Great Hours and Apokathilosis.
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Holy Thursday Evening Photos
Tonight we had the twelve Gospel readings of Christ's passion. The service was officiated by His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyanea. Photos from the night can be found below. We [...]
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Holy Wednesday Evening Unction Photos
Tonight we had the Holy Sacrament of Unction, which is for the healing of soul and body and for forgiveness of sins. Photos from tonight can be found below.
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Holy Tuesday Evening Photos
Tonight we were blessed to have His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyanea joining us for the evening Nymphios service. We've included some photos below for those that were unable to [...]
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Evening Nymphios Service Photos
For those that couldn't make it, photos from tonight's evening Bridegroom service can be found below.
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Palm Sunday Photos
Photos from yesterday's Palm Sunday service have been included below. We wish you all a Good Resurrection. Kali Anastasi.
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Holy Week & Easter Program 2023
This year's Holy Week and Easter program is now available. See above to download your copy or pick one up from the Pangari at Church.
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Sunday of Orthodoxy Photos
Yesterday on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we commemorated the return of the icons to the churches in the year 843 after the heresy of iconoclasm was overcome. Some photos from [...]
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Annual Epiphany Celebrations – Photos
Thank you to everyone who came down and joined us for the annual Epiphany Celebrations at Matilda Bay. Photos from the event have been included below. We hope to see [...]
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