• on June 18, 2024

Centenary Luncheon – Parish Invitation – July 14

Dear all

On behalf of the Evangelismos Church Fr Emmanuel would like as many people as possible to attend the special 100 year celebration luncheon for the laying of the foundation stone of Sts Constantine and Helen with His Eminence Archbishop Makarios in attendance.

This year marks the 100 Year anniversary of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, as well as the 100 Year anniversary of the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene (Northbridge) in 1924.

For this reason, a formal Centenary Luncheon will be held at the Hyatt in Perth on Sunday the 14th of July 2024 at 12.30pm, in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia.

The tickets for the luncheon are only $80 for adults and $35 for children under 12. It will include a 3 course meal.

It would be a delight if you and your family were able to join us as it truly will be a day to remember.

Please contact Fr Emmanuel on his mobile (0419 961 313) to reserve your tickets or to reserve a table for a company of 10.
Pre-purchasing of tickets are essential for those wishing to attend.

Prior to the luncheon, the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in the morning of the same day at the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene and will be Officiated by Archbishop Makarios and assisted by two other bishops.

Looking forward in hearing back from you soon.

Fr Emmanuel

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