• on January 31, 2024

Meeting With the Lord – New in the Bookstore

by Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyiannis

One of the greatest gifts that our savior Jesus Christ left to His Church, for the sake of His beloved people, is the
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Through this Sacrament we meet Christ Himself; our salvation!
Is there anything greater than this? Τhis is the subject of the book.

An easy to read explanation of the sections of the Divine Liturgy in preparation for the Eucharist.
Chapters include: The Evolution of the Liturgy, The Evolution of the Proskomide, The Liturgy & Kneeling, The Priest as Holy Altar, How the early Christians Communed; a great resource to have in your home.

Call in to the bookstore for your copy. Or email evangelismos.bookstore@gmail.com

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