Upcoming Events
- Sat Oct 05
- 8:00AM, Martyrs Charitina, Mameltha, Eudokimos, Martyr Methodia – English Liturgy
- 4:00PM, Vespers
- Sun Oct 06
- 8:00AM, 3rd Sunday of Luke, Apostle Thomas – Divine Liturgy
Sunday Epistle & Gospel Explanations
3rd Sunday of Luke, Apostle Thomas (06/10/2019)
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 6:1-10
Gospel: Luke 7:11-16
Click here to download this week’s readings and explanations.
Bible Study Podcast
Fr Emmanuel’s Thursday night Bible Study classes are now available on Podcast.
They can be accessed from the following link.
Visit of Archbishop Makarios to Perth – Program
Saturday 12 October
- Matins Service and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Church of Saints Constantine and Helene commencing at 8.00am presided by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios and assisted by all the clergy. During the Divine Liturgy His Eminence will ordain Mr. Eleftherios Gerovasilis into the Diaconate.
- Following the Divine Liturgy a formal luncheon will follow at the Hyatt Regency, Perth. For tickets and further information contact your parish priest.
- Vespers Service at 6.30pm presided by His Eminence at the Church of Saint Nektarios assisted by all the clergy.
Sunday 13 October
- Matins Service and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Church of Saint Nicholas in Bunbury presided by His Eminence commencing at 8.00am.
A brunch will follow in the church hall for all the faithful.