• on March 20, 2020

What’s New (20/03/2020)


As informed by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, services will continue but with only one Priest serving and one or two support people necessary for conducting the service.

People are being advised to stay home and not attend services.

We are currently looking at providing a live streaming of services from our Facebook page here.

As a result, there will not be an English service tomorrow.

Sunday Epistle & Gospel Explanations
3rd Sunday of Lent,
The Veneration of the Holy Cross (22/03/2020)

Epistle: Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:1-6

Gospel: Mark 8:34-38; 9:1

Click here to download this week’s readings and explanations.

Bible Study Podcast

Fr Emmanuel’s Thursday night Bible Study classes are now available on Podcast.
They can be accessed from the following link.

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