Category: Community

Committee Launches Memorial Concept to Commemorate the 1941 Battle of Crete
Perth, Western Australia: To mark the 80th Anniversary of the World War II battle, the Battle of Crete Memorial Committee (WA) (BCMC) will release its preferred design for a new [...]
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Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete
Ι have the pleasure of addressing an open invitation to all the Greeks and friends of Greece in Western Australia, to attend the following events on the occasion of the [...]
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Palm Cross Making – April 24
We need your help to make 650 palm crosses. On Saturday 24th April, after the service at approx 10.30am, we will be gathering under the veranda at our parish to [...]
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Public Academic Lecture by Dr John Yiannakis OAM
Date: Tuesday 13 April 2021 Venue: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese (22 Dianella Drive, DIANELLA) Time: 6.00pm Presenter: Dr John Yiannakis OAM Topic: Vlase Zanalis: Orthodox Iconographer and Illustrator of the Indigenous
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Postponement of the 2021 CGL Examinations
To all prospective CGL Examination Candidates Please note that the Centre for the Greek Language in Thessaloniki, Greece, has informed all centres around the world of the postponement of the [...]
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COVID-19 Restrictions Update
With no further community COVID-19 cases in WA, we welcome the easing of restrictions and are pleased that as of 6pm today (Fri 5 Feb 2021) all liturgical services, bible [...]
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Invitation to Register for the 2021 CGL Examinations
All interested persons are now invited to register for this year’s Centre for the Greek Language (CGL) Examinations to be held in May at St. Andrew’s Grammar (officially-recognised CGL Examination [...]
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Agenda for WAMGLTA AGM 2021 & Objects of Association
All persons interested in the teaching and learning of Modern Greek in WA are invited to attend WAMGLTA’s AGM. Teachers, parents, school and community leaders, prospective teachers of Modern Greek, [...]
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Sixteen Years of CGL Success Stories!
In 2020, the Centre for the Greek Language (CGL) Examinations, normally held in May each year, were postponed world-wide due to COVID-19. They were re-scheduled to take place in October [...]
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WAMGLTA Recognised by Peak Associations
The West Australian Modern Greek Language Teachers’ Association Inc. (WAMGLTA) has recently received recognition from two peak associations; the Professional Teaching Council of Western Australia Inc. (PTCWA) and the Modern [...]
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