Category: Service

Holy Thursday Morning – The Mystical Supper
How quickly has Holy Week come this year! It is already Holy Thursday and there are only a couple more days before we celebrate the great feast of Holy Pascha. [...]
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Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross – Photos
Apolytikion Save, O Lord, Your people and bless Your inheritance, granting victory to the faithful over the enemy, and by Your Cross protecting Your commonwealth.
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Evangelismos Parish Feast Day Vespers
Χρόνια Πολλά to everyone!!!Today we celebrate the feast day of the Annunciation of Our Lady, to which our Church is dedicated.Thank you to everyone who was able to celebrate this [...]
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Sunday of Orthodoxy
Sunday of Orthodoxy, celebrated on the first Sunday of Great Lent, we remember the victory of the icons, and the defeat of the iconoclasts in 843 AD. In this year, [...]
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1st Salutations to the Theotokos – Visit by Bishop Nikandros
We were most blessed to have His Grace Bishop Nikandros join us for the 1st Salutations to the Theotokos that were held yesterday. These services are dedicated to the Virgin [...]
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