• on January 31, 2020

Invitation to Register for the 2020 CGL Examinations

All interested persons are now invited to register for this year’s Centre for the Greek Language (CGL) Examinations to be held in May at St. Andrew’s Grammar (officially-recognised CGL Examination Centre).

Prospective candidates of Greek and also non-Greek background are invited to test their written and spoken Greek language competency skills through these annual examinations. Successful candidates will be issued with a Certificate of Attainment in Greek from Greece’s Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, and the Centre for the Greek Language: Division for the Support and Promotion of the Greek Language (Thessaloniki, Greece).

There are 7 levels on offer, catering to a full spectrum of Greek language competencies. These include a level for children aged 8-12 years old (children who are over 8 years and below 12 years old on the 31st of May, 2020); a level for beginner adolescents and adults, through to a level for persons with excellent knowledge of the Greek language. Candidates younger than 16 are strongly advised to avoid taking the examinations for levels B2, C1 and C2 as the examination content for these levels may require general knowledge and experience beyond their years.

The full complement of levels on offer is as follows:

  • A1 for children 8-12 years old (Elementary knowledge)
  • A1 for adolescents and adults (Elementary knowledge)
  • A2 (Basic knowledge)
  • B1 (Intermediate knowledge)
  • B2 (Good knowledge)
  • C1 (Very good knowledge)
  • C2 (Excellent knowledge)

The 2020 CGL Examinations will be held on the following days:

  • Monday 18 May for Level C2
  • Tuesday 19 May for Levels A1 (for children 8-12 years & adolescents and adults), A2 and B1
  • Wednesday 20 May for levels B2 and C1

Fees have been set by Greece and are as follows:

  • $130 for levels A1(for children 8-12 years & adolescents and adults), A2 and B1
  • $150 for levels B2, C1 and C2

For more information regarding registration and payment, please contact the following CGL Committee members:

Registration commences on Saturday 1 February and closes on Sunday 22 March, 2020.

The CGL Committee and I look forward to your participation in this year’s CGL Examinations.


Dr Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis
Director of the CGL at St. Andrew’s Grammar (61002)
28 January 2020

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