The Dog Is Better Than I
Whilst debating the issue of relationships a young woman who was arguing in favour of multiple relationships in place of monogamous relationships stated "We have ascended from the Apes not [...]
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Inquiring and Acquiring Knowledge
People often ask, what will I do with my life? It is good to ask this question; But the answer always lies with us, for if we desire a meaningful [...]
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What Is Truth
True justice cannot be achieved through words. Injustice comes from the failure of man to come to the knowledge of the truth, and then by faith to live by it. [...]
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Heaven On Earth
The Orthodox Church is Truth. The Orthodox Church contains no human innovation, but the Word of God. In her there is no place for opinions, only the active and divine [...]
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The Light Shines in the Darkness
Since the beginning of time when God created heaven and earth He commanded that there be light (Genesis 1:3). This light was divided from the sphere of darkness and the [...]
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Life of the Soul
Union with God, Healing and the Resurrection "Life of the soul" said St Gregory Palamas (14th Century) is union with God, "as life of the body is union with the [...]
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Customised Religion
Some people would like to see changes introduced to Orthodoxy without first understanding or realising its treasure. For these people the Church is seen as ancient, institutionalised, highly ritualised and [...]
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Preparing for Life
In all centres of learning be they schools, tertiary institutions and the like, there comes a time when the students reach the end of their studies and are examined for [...]
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Orthodoxy in Youth and Old Age
There is a prayer for all of life written by David, the greatest of Israel’s Kings (c.1000 BC). The prayer is Psalm 25 where David repents before the Lord for [...]
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Anonymity – Serving without Christ
As I made my way out of the Archdiocese office in Perth at around 2.00pm on a Friday afternoon some years ago and I stepped on to the front verandah [...]
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