• on July 24, 2020

What’s New (24/07/2020)

Upcoming Events

  • Sat Jul 25
    • 8:00AM, Dormition of St Anna – English Liturgy
    • 4:00PM, Vespers
  • Sun Jul 26
    • 8:00AM, 7th Sunday of Matthew – Divine Liturgy
  • Mon Jul 27
    • 7:30AM, Panteleimon the Great Martyr & Healer – Divine Liturgy
  • Tue Jul 28
    • 7:30AM, Irene the Righteous of Chrysovalantou – Divine Liturgy
  • Sat Aug 01
    • 8:00AM, The Holy Seven Maccabee Children, Solomone Their Mother, and Eleazar Their Teacher – English Liturgy
    • 4:00PM, Vespers

Sunday Epistle & Gospel Explanations
7th Sunday of Matthew (26/07/2020)

Epistle: Galatians 3:23-29; 4:1-5

Gospel: Matthew 9:27-35

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