Category: Belief

“Be Anxious for Nothing”
The more we read holy scripture and by the grace of God hear His Word, the more likely we are to be confronted by the contradiction in respect to our [...]
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2019 Church New Year Message – Bartholomew Ecumenical Patriarch
Dearest brother Hierarchs and beloved children in the Lord, With the goodness and grace of the all-bountiful God, today marks the 30th anniversary since the Holy Great Church of Christ [...]
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Prayer – “Fill Me With You”
Dear God, I accept all the judgements, all the opposition, all the rejection, all the abuse that I have encountered in my life at the hands of others, for these [...]
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I Am Very Religious You Know!
It has been my recent experience to hear people proudly refer to themselves as being religious. In this state people openly and without embarrassment communicate their religious worship in a [...]
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Hidden Things
It never ceases to astound me what a striking contrast exists between earthly events and their interpretation based on worldly knowledge, and the understanding of these same events based on [...]
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Easter Encyclical 2019
Venerable brothers and beloved children in the Lord, Having run the course of the race of Holy and Great Lent in prayer and fasting, and having reached the salvific passion [...]
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Christmas Encyclical 2018
Brother concelebrants and children in the Lord, "Christ is born, glorify Him!" Thus we chant for centuries every year in our churches. But it does not yet seem that we [...]
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Beyond All Ages, Times and Places
In this disposable age there is an obsession for labelling everything 'new.' The word 'new' has become synonymous with the words 'different', 'better' and 'improved.' But the meaning given to [...]
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The Dog Is Better Than I
Whilst debating the issue of relationships a young woman who was arguing in favour of multiple relationships in place of monogamous relationships stated "We have ascended from the Apes not [...]
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Inquiring and Acquiring Knowledge
People often ask, what will I do with my life? It is good to ask this question; But the answer always lies with us, for if we desire a meaningful [...]
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